Monday 2 September 2013


Hello peoplez. hehehe. :)
2 UT down, 3 more to gooooooooo. whoops. looking forward to mai holidays.

So it was the last day of school 6 days ago. Yeapz, definitely took pictures with my favourite people. yeap, really blessed to have them for the past 15 weeks. :)

with new media faci! heehee.
One of my fav faci in these 15 weeks. hehehe. :)
yeapz my favourite people in class! Vince, Mingfeng (Jason), Sandy, Rachel, Huitong and Me! hehe. 

strangers from different school -> Classmates -> Friends.

Okay my first impression for Sandy wasn't good. because she said that when she first saw me, I like very dao. hahahahaha. 

heehee. that's all. byez. 


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