Saturday 7 September 2013


Happy holiday people! heh. UT3's over! Time to slack since tests have ended right. Happy week this week especially on thursday. because kimheechul is here in Singapore. so near yet so far. Didn't have the chance to meet him ㅠㅠ but luckily there's picture of him being uploaded that made me keep fangirling~ melt at all his smiley faces ㅅ3ㅅ
hahah i don't know why, but recently I'm addicted to editing photos, like adding captions and stuffs la. 
picture taken last saturday. ♥
me at vivocity. heehee. okay 
my fav girls at band♥
so basically these are all my 'masterpiece' ☺ 
food i ate with cindy yesterday! sakura buffet! 2nd time eating it! first time was on my birthday and second time was yesterday! it is really nice & really a wide variety of food. ☺ there's like crab, tempura and prawn only on weekends/friday/public holidays/public holiday eve. 

if you love those nice nice picture download 'we heart it' it is really a good app! they have a lot of nice pictures plus the pictures you like could be downloaded! 

yeah, that's all! end this post with wonho. ♥♥ 


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