Sunday 25 August 2013

tired oh.

hello there people.
It's been a week. heh. So 5 more dayz. UT3 iz starting. And guess what.................. I haven't started studying. #hosehbo.
Okay. so i just came back from band's bbq. so full yet feeling hungry. okay weird. hahaha. ate too many prawn. T.I.G.E.R Prawn. so juicyz and fleshy. nice ah. omnomnom. o.k.that's all actually. so last wednesday, thursday and friday was week 15. which means last lesson for cognitive, OB and science. finally finished these 15 weeks together as a class. from strangers to team mates (friends) goodgood. very good. me likey. tuesday, the last day together as a class already ): will miss them so much.

oh and dinner on fri with amy and cindy

that's all x. goodnight 

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