Sunday 4 August 2013

them' ❤


amy t. my epi-k!

because work's so boring
             -xi nv ai le-
hello amytan! mai love and epi-k. i know i just posted your 'unglams' over here hahahaha. but i like. hahaha yknow there's more yeah? hmm. study hard in TP okay! don't slack ah. get good gpa go university okay! study hard for you exams alright alright! heehee. loveyou. 

aunty xian!
hello auntyxian! hehehehe. miss guailan-ing people with you leh. especially guailan kelly and luolaoshi. baobei-er. hahahah. miss you sho much! heeheeh. study hard in SP okay! seems like your exams coming, good luck okay! get good grades hor! 'what's your intention?' hahahaha. loveyou. 

the sun is wooooooooooooooooooo~ing down! hello jialin! so long no see you already!!! heheh. meet up soon yeah? study hard(?) hahah idk because you're in design courses. hmmmm. aiya draw hard la. HAHAHAHA. luvyou!

hello seokseok a.k.a chiwawa! hahaha. i miss guailan-ing you! hahaha miss you so much huhhhuhhuh. LOL. Ya! Study hard alright! and happy dragonboating ah. see you with muscles soon! luvyou


hello serangoon symphonic band mates' 
regine, huiyan, qianying, eunice, cindy, ziyun and the rest: do study hard for you o's this year alright!
just 2 more months! endure alright!버텨!!!화이팅! study hard okay :) do well and go to the course you want!

jasmine and brenda; study hard alright! heehee! 
loveyou all. meet up soon yeah!

x. byebye

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