Thursday 8 August 2013

this x week

woooooooooootz. hi there hi there. :)
3 days of school, and 4 days of holidaysssss~
actually quite bored. lololol.
basically spent my whole day watching variety show and rewatching Despicable Me 2! 
heh, minions are so cute! bellobello. 
funshion got the conjuring already. but too bad ah, i scared don't dare watch because it's 7th month rn! hahahaha.

On Monday, had new media! learned about online viral marketing. But the focus wasn't about viral marketing but on EXO's Growl MV and talking about murders in world. Serial killers with high IQ. This faci quite interesting ah. Hahahaha. Then met up with my cognitive team mate to complete the artefact, but yeappps, no internet = can't do. So go home because i skipped band. who cares. hahaha. just use the excuse of having cognitive UT to skip band. 

On Tuesday, programming. Faci spoke chinese with malaysian accent. hahaha then as usual, guailan vince because of his 'tekong' and 'cai ni dou sha'. LOL. Unique accent and words used but... yea. hahaha.Then like got some h2h talk with sandy, rachel and vince. lol. KARE exercise was...... horrible. draining my brain juice for cognitive UT. So basically cognitive UT asked a lot about justification. How 'comfortable' is your comfortable. How stress is stress. Hmm yea. 

On Wednesday, a lot didn't come to school but luckily my team all present. wootz. With all the hardworking team mates we completed our site before 1pm. Ended school earlier than 3:30 pm. First time ah that Joey so good. Hahaha. 

Thursday, today; watched variety show, Despicable Me 2 and download some new songs. Quite nice :)
Like BEAST's shadow, BAP's Hurricane, 2NE1's Do You Love Me and etc. Cool plus the website still provide album cover when I play it in iTunes. Goodgood. No need to waste time to find the album cover! Finally found HERO album's song both from CD1 and CD2. ~

Meeting ACER on Saturday for Turboooooo~ Lol. okay weird, ACER... hmm. The another J should come too, so that ACEJR would be complete. HAHA. Ohohoh, Amy's blog gonna be up soon! HEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE. 

A.C.E.J.R (In Short)
Amy, Cassandra, Elaine, Eunice, Jasmine, Jin Yi, Regine~
Cause we're cool like this.

that's all for today! xlovex
Happy short holiday gaise! Enjoy! :)

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