Sunday 4 August 2013

4noble6'12. ❤

happy sunday everyone! :)
Since I gave up doing my programming homework and studying for cognitive, i shall blog.. because I'm too bored uh. Kept scrolling twitter and facebook for like the past 10 minutes and there's nothing new at all. 
Hahaha yeapyeap. 
Re-visit the class facebook group just now.
So dead. really dead. still remember when we're still studying, there's like updates almost every single day by teachers and classmates. But now it's so dead. 
Hahaha miss being in 4Noble6. :D
For the first few months, climbing up to 4th floor was a daily routine, just don't get why Sec4 classes must be at the 4th floor. Being near the forest area, lots of flying insects love flying into the classroom also a lot of lizards. Ew ew ew. Also, there were like construction going on at the forest there because they are building a condo there. It would be very noisy after 10 + am? Because all the workers start working. Everyone is complaining about the noise and the hot weather. Hahahaha. Yeapyeap, thanks Mr Tan, we are the first batch of students to get to study in air-con room from April all the way to before O's? :D

Okay crapped so much.... LOL.
I love being in 4Noble6! Why? Everyone was so bonded together though we're not that close when we're in sec 3. 
Guailan-ing with Sixian, Terence, Jialin, Kelly, Christopher and Amy became a routine for us. Anyhow come out with scandals and stuffs. 
HAHAHAHA. Joke, everyday just keep shoot each other until one's bwg. HAHAHA. 
Because I dropped Biology, I would always sit at my place watching videos and camwhoring with Amy and distract her from listening in class. If not I'll be busying copying homework from the smart, Ferdi. 

time passes very fast and it was...
Last day of school
Lesson goes on as usual. But something more after school! Because school ends early on that day, our class planned a party after school. But I guess it's more like clubbing because we played with the light and blast volume to max. After all the party, some gave their thankyou speech yaaa. 

4noble6 is the class that created a lot of memories, whereby we know when to study and when to play.
miss them lots <3

#siaozhabors **

classmates for 4 years straight. from 1ED, 2ED, 3EA, 4Noble 6

4Noble6'12 Prom night 

the so-called veggie club -idk why though

with sixian during sports' day! aunty xian 

with obama english teacher

le bestie;love;epi-k. urineun daebak epi-k! heehee!
byez! x.

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