Saturday 3 August 2013

t.g.i.f x!

yeap. thank god it's friday! finally a week have passed. woo. time seems to past very fast huh~ this week.. was rather a good week ☺ Everything's going on smoothly. ☺ however, school have been so busy. Project for cognitive. the whatsoever SOI's driving question.. so tough. Unlike SOH and SEG. So easy to be answered.. Why did i even enter school of infocomm. T.T . 

Science lesson today! Learned about cells... but ohwells~ I've never shown a single interest in biology. because i know biology is never my subject. so what's more with learning cells. I'm like come on! gimme a chemistry or physics question manzzzz! Yeap. there goes my 'A'. After school, we got Programming UT. It was quite manageable? I'm not sure because I can't do the last question. Menu-driven program. T.T yeap~yeap~ Yeappyeaaap. Went home with Huitong! hahaha she was sleeping throughout the whole bus ride. HAHAHA. Yeah, and she likes to use people's phone to take her selca. 


I'm actually sees how irony a person can be. okay, i dont know if i used the correct word, irony. It's like i see a sudden change in attitude of people towards studies. Especially those who are taking their o's.

who remembered saying this when you're in sec4/sec5: 

'I want to do well in O's to get into a JC/good course!' 

Yes, you all say that you want to go to a good course like business course and stuffs. but what's with not putting effort in your studies and expecting a good grade to come? right? Thinking that you have more chances? Sad to say, NO. You only take O level once, for some maybe twice. but who doesn't want to get over this big burden in just one time. Instead of going out, why not stay home and study and do revision? rightrightright? Yes, it's stress. So? everyone will need to experience this kind of stress in Singapore. Unless you go overseas and study. After finish dealing with the big burden, you have all your time to go out and enjoy after beginning/mid of nov. and a freaking 4 and a half of holidays is awaiting for you. (for poly teehee) so why not study hard and go to the course you want rather than regretting for not studying harder.... 

exceeded the time. no longer tgif! but happy saturday gaise! ☺ xxx 

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