Sunday 28 July 2013

ranting machine?

heythere whats up. yo. Lol.

okay. see that title? yeap. I'm not ranting machine. Don't you feel pissed when people give you these 'faces'. (-.-,=.=,~.~,=_=, -_-) and (...) ? yeah some say don't. But to me, its freaking annoying and just pissed me off. It's like i'm talking to you and you return me with this face. i rather you don't fucking reply my message than giving me this faces. yes i admit i do give this type of 'face' but i only give it when you pissed me off or i just basically being 'kind' to return back to you. and what's with ... ? sound so emo? NOT okay. What's more with your kind of shitty attitude and annoying personality. I don't get how others can bear with you. really, really. thinking of other incidents that happen last time really make me even more angry and pissed. 

oh and what's more with your complains? telling me that you are so reluctant to go. ya. i see what you did there man. want to go say want to go, dont come and complain to me or trying to show me that you are so reluctant to go. YOU CAN DON'T GO. But you choose to go because bobian. eh smlj. what is call bobian. huhhuhhuh. if you really want to go just say want to go. did they like point a fucking gun at your head or did they like say 'if you don't go i will disfigure you' ? NO RIGHT. THEN? NOW KP SAY ALL THOSE KIND OF SHIT. HELLO YOU THINK I YOUR RANTING MACHINE AH. 
Be original can or not?!?!?! zz. 

ohoh, before i end off. come on people salute her man. One of my fav junior but she quitted band ): but yeah. she went for Hair For Hope. Brave.Respect.Salute. 

okaybai. xxx. 

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