Saturday 20 July 2013

nothing x.

hey there!
school's been okay so far... time past really fast eh. next week is the 11th week of school already. :o means that 4 more week I'm done with the first semester. yes 4 more weeks only. so fast :x felt that we don't even bond that much and yet we're changing class so soon.. 
so.... school. as usual still doing the same old thing; RJ, Quiz and Evaluation. that's all. Just finished OB's UT yesterday. Manageable though, but must see the structure of the answer.. lol. 
Heehee, yesterday was a fun day.~~

Science module yesterday, my group's always the noisiest. keep talking and laughing for almost the whole day. Yes, new word from the science faci, "Alien under graph" lol. are you kidding me uma? lol. Mass became Mars, Area become ALIEN. lolol. Huitong went to draw the "Alien under graph" on the whiteboard. hahaha so funny. then as usual, did presentation. vince played blackshot and the malay girls are camwhoring while making funny faces and action. 

then after UT, took 161 to compass point with Huitong! heh, first time seh. lol. 
oh, and i saw terence, sixian, kelly, felicia, crisha and shaoqin yesterday and compass. they were actually on their way to have dinner. lol. and when i saw them, they basically run towards me. like as if they see their idol like that. ehchey. hahahaha. then talked to them for awhile because huitong's still with me~ hahahaha. she wanted to eat snacks for her dinner. tsktsk. but end up, went home with nothing because mac and kfc were all flooded with people. hahaha she keep using the word shag. Hahaha, then when taking the escalator up, there was a promoter from starbucks. she approach us and asked us to try their new whitechocolate greentea. it tasted okay.. but there is like jelly at the bottom of the drink and it made it taste so disgusting.. also we went on some 'shopping' we saw a booth selling those bags with printed words. the bags looked very nice and it's quite cheap also 3 for $10! so we wanted to buy, but there's only two of us. so we called sandy to see if she wants. hahaha then end up we bought 3~ 

oh thanks to those who wished me happy birthday and those who gave me gifts for my birthday last tuesday. thankyou okay. love you all x. 

that's all! 

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