Monday 22 July 2013


hello guys. heh. 
yes blogging from my phone now because I'm still not home yet. yeah band. what's band can eat or not huh. hahahah. okay, actually i'm kind of annoyed by people rn. seriously.... have you ever feel like this before? getting good grades just for myself and my future. is that wrong? Is it wrong to work hard and get an A for UT. ya maybe to some, you might think I don't study. Is it an offense or a crime to get A for test. somebody tell me, is it wrong? 

from the very beginning of the school term, getting A for OB's daily grade, you guys will have to say something. what's wrong with getting an A? yes , i know you didn't get A for it. Ya then? So what? Do you have to say my grades were good because I wrote 300-500words for my RJ? Please, I'm not those kind of people who can use fabulous english and like summarized what I have learnt in school. ya saying my RJ is so long that faci have to give me an A. Hello, didn't i fucking contribute in the presentation? Huhhuhhuh? 
Now for UT, getting a B+ for OB, got said because i am better than you by that '+' sign. Getting A in new media, you kp-ed . eh cb i work hard for myself and not for the sake of you okay. doesnt mean you get B means i must get B. you think everything in life is fair? Seriously, tell me what's wrong with working hard and do well for exam? enough of all these bullshits okay. so annoying and by saying all these won't give you any gains okay. -.- 

yea that's all. >_> 

peace x. 

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