Sunday 14 July 2013


hi there! yes, not sleeping at this timing yet. why? because it's sunday. -okay that's lame- 
spent my whole day..... watching variety shows to kill my boredom. Also, added some new songs to my phone! because i have been hearing the same music like for 4 weeks and got bored of it already. so recently, 2NE1 came back with their new song; falling in love! -the song sounded like those Egypt style(?) but yeah, minzy, dara, bom and cl are so pretty.- yeayea.

last saturday, 06072013
finally, it's the day i met up with my loves. 슈퍼주니어! ㅋㅋ ❤ they are so hawt and handsome especially my two top biases, siwon and kangin! omg. meltz. ❤❤❤ many loves for them. so many eunhae, wonhae, eunsihae, wonkyu, shinhae, kanghae, kangwook, siwook , etc moments. sweet. heh. Henry also sang a little part of Trap. -trying to remember some funny moments- ohh! henry's pant tore after doing some somersault and he wore an ultraman boxer. qt! hahah. Didn't get to take much photos because they banned photography. ): got a lot of photocards and banner given out by some fanbase like @13elieveSG -that's the only fanbase i remembered.- lol! no point having words and no pictures right?   hahahahahah. 
in indoor stadium~ #SS5SG! 
yeap! my boys' shadow! ❤ 
after performing the first few songs, intro! 
#zoomed. not very clear though. ._. but i think the one in the middle is my choisiwon. 
yes! the scene i have been waiting for! wonkyu's paper kiss! :* 

90 degree bow~ ending ): 
hyukjae came out after the concert to talk about the only13 petition.. he said that he was sad and hurt by the fanclub. ): because of the petition... 

goodies i got on that day! -photocards!- 

was super random after the concert. the supershow5 truck! lol! went to wait for SJ to leave indoor stadium;. took Cindy's dad taxi home. 
sungmin's blog update on 06072013
yeayea! my top two bias! ❤ 
-official photos!- 

yea. that's all for SS5! did enjoy the concert a lot! was shouting and cheering! heh. however, heard that siwon wasn't happy that day; made me sad): but luckily his mood went up during encore! ❤ heh.

alright. UT1's down. UT2's starting this friday! 19th.. yet i didn't studied for it. OB's result out, didn't expected a B+. was hoping for an A.. But nevermind! just work hard for UT2 and UT3! ☺ 

Watched Monster University and Despicable Me 2 already! ohyeah. Anymore movies coming up? Watch those two movies with my classmates! ☺  really enjoyed the movies because both movies are so cuuuuute! ❤ loving minions so much. BEEDOHBEEDOHBEEDOH. BABABABABANANA~ hahahah! 
yeaaaaaaaap! that's all for this week? hahahahahahahahaha! goodnight! it's 2:10AM already! ☺

peace; x. ❤

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