Saturday 8 February 2014

Throwback to CNY'2014


I'm back after 1 month! :D HEHEHE.
Don't really have time to blog last month because there's UT. 
But well, it's over (not really over because in two weeks' time there's UT3). 

So let's just talk about CNY celebration! 

So CNY happened last week and I went to Malaysia! :)
Had fun there! Especially the first 2 days because there's wifi. lol. There's no wifi at most places there. So i'm lucky that my aunt's house have!! hehehe. Brought my laptop there because I need to complete my Java Assignment 2. Of course, downloaded EXO's Showtime to kill time there. Actually I could watch RM and WGM there, but I forgot to bring my thumbdrive along ): On the 1st day of CNY, relative came to my aunt's house to bai nian! :) Was watching EXOST halfway, and they came though.... HAHAHAHA. Got all my angpows within a day. After that we went to my cousin's new house to have lunch! STEAMBOATTTT! Omnomnomnom! Then went home to rest for awhile first before we go back for dinner. So after dinner, we went to A'Famosa and sneak in to the theme park because there's no security there.

the 2nd day of CNY, went back to my grandfather's house! :) When we reached there, it's already lunchtime, so yeah, eat again! HAHAHA. Didn't take much pictures because I don't feel like taking any. Then people i don't know came to my grandfather's house to bai nian, yeah, free angpow. HAHAHA. Then soon, dinner came! Normally wOne had BIG family 'reunion' dinner at some restaurant near my grandfather's place. But this year's abit special and different because we had buffet instead of 'set meals' in restaurant. The buffet party happened at my grandfather's house, which means that there's no need for me to walk to another relative's house! :) Buffet buffet hhaha. 

So yeahh! That's all for CNY because 3rd day of CNY there's nothing much! :) Back in Sg on 3rd day of CNY because there's school! :(

That's all! HAHAHA. (Time for pictures, I wanted to post the pictures after every day, but it could not be align....)

Panorama view of my cousin's house! :)
View outside my cousin's house! :)

Panorama view of A'FAMOSA's lobby!
Sneaked in to the cowboy theme park to snap this
cute caishenye! :)
*tag many siwon*

CNY treats for you ? :)
Buffet on DAY 2! 

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