Saturday 5 October 2013

2 weeks

So i'm jobless for 3 weeks hahahaha. So i spent this three weeks catching up with shows. and spazz over my sj with Hannah!

finally, blog because I've got nothing to do.

So let me blog those interesting stuffs that happen in the past 13 days? hahaha.

So now, I've been going to band for 3 times a week. every monday, wednesday and thursday.
So tiring but still quite fun and interesting. heheh.

So on last tuesday 24092013, i went to cycle with Chloe and Amy! hehehehe. :D

Yeap so last friday, went to cycle with Eunice and Cindy for 2hours (though it's not really cycling for two hours.) we cycled all the way to the entrance of punggol waterway only, because Cindy's bicycle gear came out. so we cycled back to punggol park to get it repaired. then after that, since we're running out of time, so we've decided to cycle around punggol park for 2 rounds and then return the bike. after that we went for dinner at IKEA. wootz.

yeah, that's the food we ate! Meatballs, Spaghetti, Poach Salmon, Mushroom Soup, Chicken Leg! yummyyummy. lolz.

then on thursday, went to sectionals and had dinner at Manhattan. yumyum.

since there is offer, so 6 of us ordered a total of 8 plates. 4 each. hahahahaha. because it's super worth it please, 2 for the price of 1. hohoho. so worth right! hahahaha.

So yesterday, 04102013.
Went to cycle with Eunice and Cindy again, and this time we cycled to middle of punggol waterway. oh. I swear i WOULDN'T GO there ANYMORE. Super disgusting please, so many centipedes, earthworm, dragonflies. eww please, EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.

Okay, that's all! hheheeh. byez xxx.

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