Friday 7 June 2013


how's life? it is the first week of june. are you guys enjoying. hahahah. 
well, spent half of my day at home, waiting fr SM to release Henry's TRAP MV. the mv was released at 4+ and basically spent my whole afternoon downloading new songs that i think it's nice. yeah all songs in Henry's mini album was being downloaded. All the songs are so nice. But i think that the best song is still TRAP. catchy rhythm. likelikelike. then spent my evening out. went to c's house to eat dinner. but actually wanted to cook rice-cake. i swear the dinner will make people feel so full...? one chicken, fishcake, egg and rice. After eating, we went on with cooking rice-cake! yay, successful attempt. wootz. then home sweet home. watched KTR today because siwon's the special guest. mweheheh. yea. qt eh. alright. that's all for the day. ☺

#homemade # korean #rice-cake

#qtsiwon♥ dancing with the song. idk what sunny sunshine maybe? lol. ryeowook too. hahahaha. qtpies. 

- picture sent by Amy.- #lol, can you guys spot the difference between these two notes and our normal notes? 
#cant spot? well here's another picture... 
if you know.. good for you then! hahah. 

alright~ goodnight❤

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