Friday 21 February 2014


So yeah! As stated in the title of the post.
Yesterday marks the last day of school. *emotional*
so yeah, i had lots of fun being in the class. <3
the class that bonded so fast, which would make me miss them more.
yeap, they are the one who make me look forward to school everyday because I know my day would be made by them. even though most of us are from different courses and different class from sem 1, but we manage to bond well and there's no conflict in the class at all.
We bond with each other, we helped each other, we encouraged each other and lastly, we finish the whole semester together. Tbh, other than 4Noble6, I thought that I would never see such 'ON' class anymore. But Y1S2 class proof me wrong. On wednesday night, we planned our dress code for thurday, and the next day, all of them wore black. Normally, people would just forget about it, but they didn't. Also, some of them even made snacks for us. Like Nutella French Toast, Oreo Cheesecake, Ham Wrap and Rainbow Cupcakes. Thinking of it, yumyumyum. Like where do you get classmates that would stay up/waking up as early as 5 a.m. just to make snacks for you?

Also, we've ordered pizzas for ourselves and for Java faci! One of the best faci we could have. :)

Let's just end off with pictures -would upload the rest soon-